Register for 2021's
Thousands of Eggs and Prizes coming again this year!

Easter Eggstrava
Sunday March 28th 2:00-4:00 PM
Raymond Town Hall
2255 76th Street
Egg Hunts with prizes for children ages 3-10
Limited to the first 200 children registered
Coloring Contest with top prizes per age group
Need not be present to win​
Registering ahead of the event (Required!)
Register one of two ways with child’s first & last name, and age (we will not be confirming registrations):
Mail: RCBO, PO Box 217, Franksville, WI 53126
By March 20, 2021
We have "Eggsellent" activities planned!
Egg Hunt for candy filled plastic eggs with special prizes
Hunt Times: 2:15 (ages 3/4) 2:45 (5/6/7) 3:15 (8/9/10)
Coloring Contest with top prizes
Children, bring your colorful Easter basket to collect eggs!
2021 Coloring Contest will be back again! Simply print, complete the form when it becomes available (remember to circle age group), COLOR! then submit for prize judging!
This will also be distributed at Raymond Elementary - have the colored pages back for judging by March 20th
Just Kids! Parents, we know you love helping out your children, but for the egg hunt and coloring contests, we ask that you only observe in their fun!
The event is free, however, we will once again have a collection bin for non-perishable food donations which we'll entrusted to the Union Grove Food Bank for those in need.